Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, July 6, 2008

We've been busy as usual (home & work). Elena is doing great. She's just talking away, still pretty much doesn't make sense, but has added a few words to her vocab. She's still just so stinkin' cute. We are having so much fun with her. I miss her every single day while I'm at work. :( Time is flying by so quickly. I can't believe it is July already! Elena will be 2 in October already. She's amazing; we love her so much.

We celebrated our GOTCHA DAY on June 12 by going to the Phila. Zoo. What a great place. We met a couple there who has a most beautiful Guatemalan son! It turns out that they lead an adoption group out of Philadelphia. We traded information. Apparently there are a lot of people looking for adoption groups in this area and can't find the one we are in. We are now called "Circle of Families" and have a blog, thanks to our fearless leader. If there is anyone who reads my blog who is interested in joining our group, please let me know! We are getting together this coming Saturday for a picnic and all are welcome.

I hope that everything is going well for all of you. We continue to pray for all the families who are still waiting for their babies to come home from Guatemala.

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